Positivity can change your life! Whether you were born with a natural streak of positivity or not, the good news is that positivity is something you can develop. It’s something you can work at; something you train yourself in.
Why develop positivity? Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D., a leading scholar within social psychology, affective science, and positive psychology explains:
“The more you train your eye, mind, and heart to the positivity in your life, the more of it you’ll find…We often look too far ahead to find our happiness. We try to be wealthy or famous instead of trying to be loving or fascinated. By making more moments glisten with positivity, you make the choice of a lifetime: you choose the upward spiral that leads to your best future–and to our best world.”
Positivity can help you focus on what’s going well in your life. It can give you the ability to turn life’s lemons into lemonade. Positivity builds resilience, even as you face challenges and difficulties. Gratitude is a byproduct of Positivity, one that will help you learn to savor life’s sweetness as well as develop optimism for a bright tomorrow (despite any opposition you may face). So take the challenge and give Positivity a try. It truly can change your life!